With the busy lifestyle of being a student and working, I find it difficult to find time to practice the recorder. This week I worked on finding ten minutes in the day, usually in the late evening, to work on my skills. I tried to focus on finger placement. In my last blog, I mentioned how I found it difficult to switch my finger position from note to note, while still keeping in proper timing with the song. This week I got to practice going from different notes to get my fingers used to moving. While I practiced finger placement, I continued to practice tonguing with each note that I played. I noticed that both of these skills improved since my last blog post, proving that practice makes perfect. To further improve I am working on finding more time throughout the day to practice so I can continue developing these skills.

This week I also continued to practice the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I noticed that I was less choppy and more fluid. There were still some moments when I struggled with finger placement on certain notes or had to pause to remember which note to play next.

To help with my learning I watched several videos by Sarah Jeffrey on youtube. I have included some of these video links below.

