Through this term, we were tasked to curate a technology resource that could be shared with our current and future colleagues. My partner and I chose to make our resource based on the times we are living through and something that is very prevalent- Zoom Fatigue.

Choosing to make a podcast due to their up and coming popularity addressing subjects such as the general negative effects of zoom, how to avoid zoom fatigue, and how we can alleviate the stress of zoom calls.

 National Geographic highlights-

  • Gallery view makes it difficult to focus on what anyone is saying because our brain tries to “decode” (analyze facial expressions) everyone at once
  • Prolonged eye contact through video calls can feel threatening and intimidating
  • Only a limited amount of people are able to speak at once creating a less collaborative environment than in person

Harvard Business Review highlights-

  • Video calls are so draining due to us having to subconsciously focus harder on the conversations
  • Video calls make it easier than ever to lose focus
  • Having to constantly look at the camera to show that you are focused on is draining and does not happen in face to face interactions
  • Tips to reduce zoom fatigue- avoid multitasking, build in breaks, reduce onscreen stimuli, make virtual social events opt-in, switch to phone calls or emails when possible

 Psychiatric Times highlights- 

  • Zoom Fatigue describes the tiredness, worry, or burnout associated with using Zoom
  • Audio has been proposed as one of the main reasons for fatigue due to lag and its uncertainty
  • Another possible reason for the overwhelming fatigue is the pandemic backdrop 

CBC News Highlights

  • Zoom fatigue can leave you feeling emotionally drained by the end of the day due to “always having to be on all the time”
  •  To limit the anxiety having your camera on should be an option
  • Negative misunderstanding of non-verbal cues can lead to unwanted stress 

Tik Toks about Zoom:


We hope that through our resource we could provide helpful strategies to help combat zoom fatigue. Although we are experiencing difficult times and many struggles, we are all in this together and we can make it through this.

Episode 1:

Episode 2: